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Upon completion of the course, and at intermediate levels appropriate to the course, students will be able to:
1. Participate in dialogues that require the synthesis of receptive and expressive ASL skills.
2. Create a grammatically correct description in ASL of a house, all of its contents and various spatial relationships using locative classifiers.
3. Use ASL to analyze a description of or directly describe a problem situation and produce appropriate and gramatically correct responses, including requests for assistance and possible solutions.
4. Create a narrative about the life history of a deaf or hearing individual using ASL sequencing techniques and correct grammar and including elements such as nationality, ancestriy, familty relationships, and specific events.
5. Use ASL to converse with others about topics such as family history.
5. Outline the major points of increasingly complex topics about Deaf culture.
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I. Locating Things Around the House Using ASL
A. Describing a house in terms of rooms, colors, exterior materials
and trim
B. Describing the contents of living room, bedroom, kitchen, or
C. Discussing and comparing different homes and their contents
D. Describing rearrangement of items in a house
E. Using locative classifiers
F. Phrase and vocabulary review
G. Grammatical concepts
1. Topic-comment structure
2. Non-dominant hand as reference
3. Types of locative classifiers
4. Ordinal numbers
H. Deaf culture topics
1. Examples of ASL Literature: Handshape stories
2. Examples of ASL Folklore: Cheers and songs in sign language
II. Describing Illness and Problem Situations Around the Home Using ASL
A. Signs for common physical ailments
B. Events on a one-time, continuous, or recurring basis
C. Problems and annoyances among pets, family members and neighbors
D. Phrase and vocabulary review
E. Grammatical concepts
1. Adverbs for recurring and continuous events
2. Recurring and continuous temporal aspect
3. Inflecting verbs
F. Deaf culture topic: Some examples of ASL Poetry
III. Making Requests, Suggestions and Offers of Assistance in ASL
A. Expressing concern and offering suggestions or advice
B. Using context to deduce the meaning of a fingerspelled word
C. Phrase and vocabulary review
D. Grammatical concepts
1. Role shifting
2. Conditional sentences
3. Clock numbers
E. Deaf culture topic: cross cultural communication strategies
between Deaf and hearing people
IV. Exchanging Personal Information in ASL About Life Events in One's
Immediate Family
A. Narrating events in a life history using ages as referents
B. Sequencing techniques in narrating a life history
C. Applying generalized time to a narrate life history
D. Describing unexpected changes in a life history
E. Phrase and vocabulary review
F. Grammatical concepts
1. When clauses
2. Phrasing for sequencing events
3. Contrastive structure
G. Deaf culture topic: A brief history of Martha's Vineyard, the
first known natural signing community in America
V. Describing and Narrating Life Events in a History of One's Ancestors
A. Signs of various countries around the world
B. Describing ancestry and family backgrounds in terms of
C. Giving a narrative of an extended family or ancestral history
D. Phrase and vocabulary review
E. Grammatical concepts
1. Possessive forms
2. Descriptive and locative classifiers
3. Dates and addresses
F. Deaf culture topic: Biographies of several important Deaf
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1. Reading 15-20 pages per week of informational materials about Deaf
2. Writing three to four 2-3-page compositions about Deaf culture topics.
3. Problem-solving assignments
a. Completing practice exercises from the workbook, video and
teacher-prepared materials.
b. Group practice activities, games and other activities.
c. Reviewing lessons from the workbook and video and teacher-prepared
d. Practicing conversational dialogues in ASL (as individuals and
4. Skill demonstrations
a. Performing conversational dialogues in ASL.
b. Three-four presentations in ASL about deaf culture topics.
c. Viewing and interpreting short passages in ASL.
d. Performing short stories and narratives in ASL.
5. Weekly or bi-weekly quizzes, chapter exams and final.
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Signing Naturally, Student Videotext and Workbook, by Lentz, Mikos and
Smith, DawnSign Press, 1989 (Level two, lessons 13-15 and review).
Instructor prepared materials.