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Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to:
1. Relate principles of internal combustion engine operation to engine performance and repair
2. Identify internal combustion engine parts by name.
3. Explain various engine classifications and systems.
4. Identify and safely use shop tools, equipment, and chemicals.
5. Measure components and processes and interpret readings, applying common instruments and measurement systems used in automotive repair.
6. Perform calculations common to automotive diagnosis and repair.
7. Diagnose engine and engine-related problems and determine and select and perform the appropriate repair procedure.
8. Locate and interpret repair information from print and computer-based sources.
9. Disassemble and reassemble an engine and engine parts in a proper and orderly manner, identifying and labeling parts.
10. Analyze wear and damage to engine and engine-related components and parts and calculate calibrations to accomplish corrections.
11. Explain the theory of engine balancing and equalize part weight to balance an engine.
12. Explain cooling system theory.
13. Install an engine in a vehicle and inspect and complete the job following engine starting and break-in.
14. Pre-lube and make all required adjustments prior to starting an engine.
15. Demonstrate eligibility to enter the automotive trade as an apprentice level technician specializing in engine repairs.
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I. Engine Operation
A. Principles of internal combustion engine operation
1. Volume
2. Atmospheric pressure and vacuum
3. Liquids, gases and combustion
4. Friction
5. Work and force
6. Torque
7. Power
8. Energy
a. Chemical
b. Electrical
c. Mechanical
d. Thermal
e. Radiant
B. Four stroke engine operation
1. Intake
2. Compression
3. Power
4. Exhaust
C. Air/fuel mixture ratio
1. Stoichiometric mixture ratio
2. Interactive combustion and counterflow
D. Ignition
E. Engine parts
F. Engine classifications and systems
II. Shop Equipment and Safety
A. Tools
1. Principles of tool mechanics
2. Selecting automotive hand tools
B. Fasteners
1. Metric
2. American
3. Fastener grades
a. Tensile strength
b. Proper torque specifications
4. Extracting broken fasteners
C. Micrometer
1. Reading a micrometer
a. Ten-thousandths of an inch
b. One-hundredths of a millimeter
2. Calculating component size using a micrometer
D. Dial Indicator
1. Reading a dial indicator
2. Measuring valve movement
3. Determining stem to guide clearance
4. Measuring end play on crank and cam shafts
E. Feeler gauges
1. Measuring end and side play
2. Measuring gap
3. Measuring valve lash
F. Dial bore gauge
1. Measuring cylinders
2. Measuring housing boards
G. Automotive safety
1. Chemicals
2. Asbestos
3. Proper handling of toxic waste
III. Reference Materials
A. Repair specifications
B. Engine manuals
C. Car manuals
D. Computer-based reference materials
IV. Engine Removal, Disassembly and Cleaning
A. Accessing procedures
1. CD rom
2. Online information
B. Disassembly and cleaning
1. Marking components for easy reassembly
2. Diagnosing engine problems
a. Assessing component problems
b. Determining malfunctions
C. Cleaning
1. Purpose
2. Processes
D. Crack detection
1. Magniflex
2. Chemical dye penetrant
3. Pressure testing
4. Vacuum testing
E. Repair methods
1. Plugging
2. Welding
a. Spray
b. TIG (tungsten inert gas)
F. Toxic waste disposal
1. Proper chemical disposal methods
2. Laws and regulations
V. Making Component Measurements
A. Cylinder head
1. Valve guide bore
2. Valve stems
3. Valve spring installed weight
4. Valve margins
5. Valve seat length
6. Cylinder head warpage
B. Block
1. Cylinder bore
2. Block warpage
3. Main housing bore
4. Connecting rod housing bore
5. Cam shaft housing bore
6. Crank shaft and main rod journals
7. Cam shaft journals
8. Cam shaft lobes
9. Crown wall thickness on main rod bearings
10. End play on the crank and camshafts
11. Oil pump gear clearance
12. Cylinder wall surface theory
C. Using measurements readings to determine types of repairs
VI. Cylinder Head
A. Theory
B. Service
1. Head disassembly
2. Carbon removal
3. Crack inspection and repair
4. Valve guide inspection and repair
5. Reaming valve guides
6. Valve guide seals
7. Resurfacing heads
C. Springs, valves and valve seats
1. Valve springs
2. Pushrods
3. Rocker arms
4. Valves and valve service
5. Valve seats and service
a. Grinding the valve seat
b. Calculating angles for 3-angle valve job
D. Valve face resurfacing
1. Machine set up
2. Grinding process
3. Inspection for margin width
4. Grinding the valve tip to specifications
5. Chamfering the valve top
E. Cylinder head assembly
VII. Cam Shaft and Valve Train Components
A. Measuring cam shaft journals and lobes
B. End play on cam shaft
C. Valve train inspection
1. Lifters
a. Mechanical
b. Hydraulic
c. Roller
2. Push rods
a. Wear
b. Straightness
3. Rocker arm ratios
a. Pivot
b. Shaft
D. Cam shaft theory
1. Cam lobe shape
2. Valve timing
a. Duration
b. Lift
c. Valve overlap
d. Valve lash
e. Regrinding cams
f. Repairing worn cam lobes
E. Methods for synchronizing valves to pistons
1. Gears
2. Chains
3. Timing belts
F. Effect on engine performance
VIII. Cylinder Block Preparation
A. Main bearing caps
B. Measuring the bores
C. Checking block for warpage
D. Inspecting cylinder bores
E. Reboring cylinders
F. Honing cylinders to size
G. Chamfering cylinders
H. Installing cylinder sleeves
I. Lifer bore inspection
J. Final block preparation
IX. Crankshafts
A. Crankshaft design
B. Crankshaft condition
1. Taper
2. Out of round
3. Roughness
C. Regrading the camshaft to precise thousandths
D. Measuring vertical oil clearance
1. Plastigage
2. Crown wall thickness
3. Determining proper undersize bearings to us
E. Engine balancing
1. Theory of
2. Types of imbalance
3. Equalizing part weight
X. Piston and Connecting Rod Service
A. Pistons
1. Cast
2. Forged
3. Piston head shapes
4. Piston clearance
5. Piston pin offset
6. Wear problems
7. Ring groove wear/side clearance check
8. Piston service
a. Ring groove service
b. Knurling pistons
B. Piston rings
1. Oversize
2. Compression ring design
a. Tortional twist rings
b. Reverse twist rings
c. Ring materials and coatings
3. Oil control rings
4. Ring gap clearance
5. Installing rings on pistons
a. Ring gap position
b. Staggering the ring positions
C. Piston pin retaining methods
1. Press fit in the rod
2. Full floating
3. Installing pistons and rods together
4. Direction of piston on connecting rod
D. Connecting rods
1. Alignment
2. Resizing the big end
3. Rod small end bushing installation
XI. Engine Assembly
A. Reassembly on the block
1. Cam bearing installation
2. Installation of the camshaft
3. Installation of the crankshaft
4. Checking end play on the crankshaft
5. Timing gears
6. Synchronizing valve train components
7. Installing pistons and rods
8. Installing cylinder heads
9. Installing lifters and other valve train components
10. Adjusting valve lash
11. Installation of oil pump and pan
12. Pressure checking oil system
13. Installation of intake manifold
B. Testing the engine on a test stand
XII. Lubrication
A. Oil
B. Oil pumps
C. Priming the system
D. Oil filters
E. Crank case ventilation
XIII. Cooling System
A. Theory
B. Cooling system circulation
C. Belts and hoses
D. Thermostat
E. Thermostat bypass
F. Radiators
G. Water pumps