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1. The Government and Not-For-Profit Environment
a. Why governments need different accounting
b. Differences between governments and "for profit" businesses
c. Types of governments
2. Fund Accounting
a. Fund accounting by definition
b. The basics of fund accounting
c. When governments do fund accounting
3. Issues of Budgeting and Control
a. The role of the budget in governmental activities
b. The means of preparing budgets
c. Requirements for budgets and budgets as control mechanisms
4. Recognizing Revenue in Governmental Funds
a. Revenue by definition
b. When government revenues can be recorded
c. Defining available to fund expenditures
d. Different forms of revenue
5. Recognizing Expenditures in Governmental Funds
a. Differentiating between expenses and expenditures
b. Current expenditures and deferred expenditures
c. Capital expenditures and current expenditures
6. Accounting for Capital Projects and Debt Service
a. Capital projects by definition
b. Financing capital projects
c. Servicing debt properly
7. Capital Assets and Investments In Marketable Securities
a. Determining investments and their uses
b. What capital assets should be accounted for
c. Mark to market accounting
8. Long Term Obligations
a. Defining long term obligations
b. Pension liabilities, health care, and additional topics
c. Other long term obligations
9. Business-Type Activities
a. GAAP [Generally Accepted Accounting Principles] accounting for profit-like activities
b. What government functions qualify
10. Fiduciary Funds and Permanent Funds
a. Endowment funds
b. Restrictions on usage
c. Valuation issues
d. Definition of Income
11. Issues of Reporting, Disclosure, and Financial Analysis
a. What reports are required
b. Contents of reports
c. Financial ratios for governments
12. Not-For-Profit Organizations
a. What constitutes a not for profit
b. What GAAP applies
c. Differentiating between governmental and private not for profits
13. Health Care Providers and Colleges and Universities
a. The need for different accounting
b. Combining not for profit and for profit activities
14. Managing for Results
a. Results that should be measured
b. How best to measure
c. How to achieve needed results
15. Auditing Governments and Not-For-Profit Organizations
a. What audits are required
b. Who performs such audits
c. Differentiated audit techniques
16. Federal Government Accounting
a. The differences in federal GAAP
b. The FASAB [Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board]
c. The GAO [General Accounting Office], the Comptroller General, the OMB [Office of Management and Budget] and the accounting records
Untitled document
Government and Not-for-Profit Accounting: Concepts and Practices, 5th Edition, Michael H. Granof, Univ. of Texas, Austin, John Wiley & Sons Publishing Company, 2009.