Untitled document
1. Overview of Intellectual Property Law
a. Types of intellectual property
b. Public policy
c. Intellectual property terminology
2. Foundations of Trademark Law
a. Purpose and function
b. Types of trademarks
c. Acquisition of trademark rights
d. Common law, federal registration, and state trademark rights
e. Trade names and business names
f. Protectable matter
g. Exclusions
h. USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office)
i. Trademark selection and searching
j. The trademark application
k. Trademark calendaring
l. Post-registration procedures
m. Infringement and dilution
n. New and international developments in trademark law
3. Foundations of Copyright Law
a. Common law rights and rights under 1976 Copyright Act
b. The U. S. Copyright Office
c. Copyrightable material
d. Works of authorship
e. Exclusions
f. Compilations, collections, and derivative works
g. Rights afforded by copyright law
h. Limitations on exclusive rights
i. Compulsory licenses
j. Ownership, transfer, and duration
k. Works made for hire
l. Termination of transfers of copyright
m. Copyright registration
n. Searching copyright records
o. Infringement elements
p. Defenses and remedies
q. New and international developments in copyright law
4. Foundations of Patent Law
a. Rights under federal law
b. Patentability
c. Patent searching
d. The patent application
e. Prosecuting the patent
f. Patent ownership and transfer
g. Inventions made by employees and independent contractors
h. Infringement, defenses, and remedies
i. New and international developments in patent law
5. Trade Secrets
a. Determination of trade secret status
b. Liability for misappropriation of trade secrets
c. Protection available
d. New developments in trade secrets law
e. Employer-employee relationships
f. Defenses and remedies to misappropriation
g. Litigation
h. New and international developments in trade secret law
6. Unfair Competition
a. Misappropriation
b. Publicity
c. False advertising
d. Disparagement and dilution
e. Infringement of trade dress
f. International protection
7. Intellectual Property Audits and Due Diligence Reviews
a. Practical aspects
b. Conducting the audit
c. Post audit activities
d. Causation
e. Consciousness of harm
f. Peace officer's privilege of arrest
g. Private citizen's privilege of arrest
Untitled document
Intellectual Property: The Law of Trademarks, Copyrights, Patents, and Trade Secrets for the Paralegal, by Deborah Bouchoux, Delmar Cengage Learning, 3rd edition, 2009.