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The student will:
1. Design relational database applications using the rules of normal-
2. Create database applications using:
a. tables
b. main forms and subforms
c. main reports and subreports
d. select, crosstab, and update queries with the query by example
grid and SQL
3. Automate the database application using
a. macros
1) automate switchboards
2) create custom menus
3) design custom toolbars
4) create custom search buttons
5) document and debug macros
b. VBA
1) compare and contrast VBA and the use of macros in applications
2) create modules and procedures
3) declare and use variables
4) make use of decision making and repetition code
5) use arrays
6) apply elementary Object Oriented Programming techniques
7) make use of the collections in Access
8) write code using Access recordsets
9) execute queries at run-time
10) work with external data
11) trap errors
12) debug programs
c. Create groups, users and assign permissions in the Security
d. Explore add-in utilities
1) rename objects using Ferret
2) split a database into front and back end for multi-user
Untitled document
1. Overview of the Access objects
a. tables
b. queries
c. forms
d. reports
e. macros
f. modules
2. Definition of relational database
3. Normalization
a. goals of normalization
b. first normal form
c. second normal form
d. third normal form
e. fourth normal form
f. fifth normal form
4. Names in Microsoft Access
a. the Leszynski-Reddick (L_R) convention
5. Primary keys and indexes
6. Relationships
a. rules for creating relationships
b. referential integrity
7. Queries
a. review of simple queries
b. dynasets and snapshots
c. joining tables
1) equi-joins
2) outer-joins
3) the not-in query
4) self -joins
f. parameter queries
g. calculations in queries
h. SQL
1) history of SQL
2) syntax conventions
3) select query syntax
4) action query syntax
8. Forms
a. controls
1) bound
2) unbound
3) calculated
b. main and subforms
1) designing
2) properties
3) the event trigger cycle
c. drill down forms
1) macros
2) visual basic
d. switchboards
9. Macros
a. the user interface
b. organizing the tasks
c. documenting your application
d. macro groups
e. starting up your application
f. conditions in macros
g. macro loops
h. macro errors
i. troubleshooting
j. single stepping through macros
k. autokeys macros
l. automating switchboards
m. looking up information in tables and queries
1) combo boxes
2) dlookup
3) autolookup query
n. navigating to controls and records
o. data entry operations
1) validating data
2) adding records
3) changing data
4) deleting records
p. controlling the user interface
1) custom menu bars
2) custom tool bars
3) custom key assignments
10. Visual Basic or Macros
11. Event driven programming
a. event driven vs traditional methods
b. handling events with VBA
12. Modules and procedures
a. forms and reports modules
b. standard modules
c. the general object
d. VBA handlers
e. compiling code
13. Procedures
a. subroutines and functions
b. procedure declaration
14. Variables
a. variable types
b. declaring variables
c. constants
d. variable scope and lifetime
15. Making decisions
a. If...Then
b. If...Then...Else
c. Else If
d. Logical operators with the If Statement
e. Operator precedence
16. Repetition
a. loops
b. nested control structures
c. exiting a control structure
17. Arrays
a. static arrays
b. dynamic arrays
18. Object Oriented Programming
a. Objects
1) properties
2) methods
3) classes
b. Collections
1) containers and documents
2) forms container
3) errors collection
4) default collections
19. Recordsets
a. opening
b. refreshing
c. moving through recordsets
d. counting records
e. looking for specific records
f. bookmarks
g. editing records in recordset
20. Queries at run-time
a. drill down forms
b. SQL
21. Displaying selected records at run-time
22. Working with external data
23. Error handling
a. planning for errors
b. types of errors
c. VBA errors
d. form and report errors
e. DAO errors
24. Debugging
a. program execution
b. the debug window
25. Data access in a multi-user environment
a. chaining databases
b. attachment managers
c. setting the default environment
d. locking schemes
26. Security
a. activating the security system
b. creating groups
c. creating users
d. assigning permissions
27. Managers and add-in utilities
a. database splitter
b. Ferret
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"Access 97 Macro & VBA Handbook", by Susann Novalis - Sybex 1997