Untitled document
1. Getting Started with Excel 2000
Exploring spreadsheet uses
Defining workbooks and worksheets
Moving around worksheets
Selecting ranges
Exploring toolbars and menus
2. Creating Worksheets
Creating new workbooks
Entering data and text
Using the AutoComplete feature
Entering numbers and dates
Editing data
Saving and closing new workbooks
3. Modifying Worksheets
Locating and opening existing workbooks
Copying worksheet data
Copying data using the clipboard, AutoFill, and drag and drop
Moving, cutting and pasting worksheet data
Copying and moving data from multiple sources
Deleting data and reversing actions
Reversing actions
Saving workbooks with different names
4. Formatting Worksheets
Inserting and deleting rows and columns
Changing column widths and row heights
Using AutoFit
Using numeric, accounting and currency, percent, comma, and date
Changing the alignment of data
Using conditional formatting
5. Printing Worksheets
Previewing print jobs
Using page break preview
Defining page setup options
Changing print size and margins
Creating headers and footers
Printing worksheets
6. Working with Basic Formulas and Functions
Using formulas
Creating formulas
Editing formulas
Using cell references
Using functions
Using AutoSum
Using the paste function feature
Using AutoCalculate
7. Using Multiple Worksheets
Working with multiple worksheets
Inserting and deleting worksheets
Moving and copying data between worksheets
Moving and copying worksheets
Grouping worksheets
Creating 3-dimensional formulas
Renaming worksheets
Previewing and printing multiple worksheets
8. Enhancing Worksheets
Enhancing text and font attributes
Changing text and font attributes
Adding and modifying borders
Shading ranges
Creating and modifying 3-dimensional objects
Inserting, resizing, and moving pictures
9. Using Styles and AutoFormats
10. Working with Charts
Creating, formatting, modifying and changing charts
Repositioning legends
Resizing and moving charts
Editing chart data
Placing and modifying data tables in charts
Printing charts
Untitled document
Excel, Module I, ComputerPrep, 1998