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Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. List the primary functions of a GIS.
2. Understand elementary spatial analysis of data.
3. Define image, geographic and database methods of representing data.
4. Describe the differences between CAD and GIS.
5. Use different types of graphic symbols.
6. List and identify different file structures and their advantages and disadvantages.
7. Describe data storage, editing and retrieval techniques used in a GIS.
8. Create a GIS using image, geographic and database information.
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Lectures will cover the following topics:
1) Introduction to GIS
a) the purpose and scope of a GIS
b) GIS data sources: image, geographic and database information
c) GIS terminology
2. Spatial Analysis
a) spatial awareness
b) spatial elements
c) geographic data collection
d) population and sampling schemes
e) making inferences from data
3. Maps as a Model of Geographic Data
a) map as a model
b) map scale and characteristics
c) map projections
d) thematic maps
e) cartographic process
4. Cartographic and GIS Data Structures
a) terms
b) computer file structures
c) computer database structures for managing data
d) graphic representation of entities and attributes
e) GIS data models for multiple coverages
5. GIS Data Input
a) input subsystems
b) methods of input
c) external databases
6. Data Storage and Editing
a) storage of GIS Database
b) simple analysis framework
c) detecting and editing changes
d) dealing with projection changes
e) joining adjacent coverages
7. Elementary Spatial Analysis
a) terms
b) simple analysis framework
c) defining objects based on their attributes
d) working with higher level objects
e) sample applications of these concepts
8. Spatial Arrangement
a) point, area, and line arrangement
b) point patterns
c) linear patterns
d) routing and allocation
e) sample applications
9. GIS Design
a) the need for GIS design
b) the software engineering approach
c) structured design model
d) formal GIS design methodology
e) verification and validation
10. GIS Output
a) applications in different disciplines
b) cartographic output
c) map design controls
d) nontraditional cartographic output
e) non-cartographic output
f) technology and GIS output
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Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., NY. DeMers M.N. (2008)