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I. Crop Distribution
A. General crop pattern of the US according to the USDA
B. Influence of environment in determining where crops will grow
profitably in the US
C. General crop pattern of California
II. Crop Ecology
A. Influence of temperature upon crops
B. Accumulation of heat units in various California regions
C. Adaptation of California crops to regions
D. Effect of latitude, longitude and altitude upon crops
E. Cardinal growth temperatures for representative crops
F. Influence of low temperatures
G. Influence of moisture and soil solution upon a crop
H. Influence of light intensity and duration upon a crop
III. Crop Morphology
A. Structure and function of the plant cell
B. External structures of the plant
C. Root characteristics
D. Conductive tissues and fluid flow
E. Basic physiology of plant growth and food manufacture
F. Morphology and phsyiology of flowering parts
IV. Crop Rotation
A. Value of crop rotation in weed, disease and insect control
B. Value and limitations of crop rotation as it effects soil
and fertility
C. Local crop rotations and recommended practices
D. Practices and problems on students' home farms
V. Major Weed Pests and Methods Commonly Used in Their Control
VI. Seeds and Seeding
A. Factors affecting the selection and seeding of crops
B. Seed production, equipment and processing in the locality
C. Seed Certification
D. State regulations governing crops and seeds according to
the Agriculture Code
VII. Soils, Moisture and Plant Relationships
A. Characteristics of soil
B. Relationship between cultivation practices, moisture
application and plant growth and development
C. Management practices and their influence on soils and
plant growth
VIII. Tillage Practices
A. Tillage implements and their use
B. Effects of cultivation and tillage
C. Fallow programs - their use and value
D. Types of erosion, causes and control erosion
IX. Crop Improvement and Plant Breeding
A. Common terms used in plant breeding
B. Objectives of crop improvement and plant breeding
C. Methods of crop improvement
X. Fertilizers and Green Manure
A. Factors affecting fertilizer use and selection
B. Common terms in fertilizer industry
C. Elements required by plants and their effect on plant growth
D. Green manure and organic matter
E. Barnyard manure
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PLANTS by Hartmann, Flocker, and Kofranek.