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The students will:
1. discuss responsibilities of a health care facility and the
2. describe and demonstrate good principles of body mechanics, patient
transfer and restraint;
3. discuss the administration of parenteral fluids;
4. discuss procedures for assuring security of patient property;
5. discuss ethical, emotional and physical aspects of dying and support
mechanisms available to the terminally ill patients;
6. list stages of dying and their characteristics;
7. obtain, interpret, and evaluate vital signs
8. define medical and surgical asepsis, antiseptic, disinfectant,
sterile/clean/contaminated areas
9. describe methods of sterilization
10. discuss scrubbing, gowning, gloving, and proper handling of
11. define infectious pathogens, communicable diseases, nosocomial
infections, HIV, HBV, and Centers for Disease Control
12. describe use of universal precautions, isolation procedures, and
infection control
13. discuss psychological considerations for management of patients
14. identify symptoms and treatment of cardiac arrest, anaphylactic shock,
convulsions, seizure, hemorrhage, apnea, aspiration, fractures,
diabetic coma and insuline shock
15. discuss use of medical emergency equipment and supplies
16. define and identify categories of contrast media
17. discuss pharmacology of various barium and iodine compounds
18. describe methods and techniques for administration of various contrast
19. define communication patterns and identify communication problems and
their intervention
20. discuss and explain radiation safety and protection to patients
21. recognize various categories of drugs, common drug nomenclature, and
basic concepts of pharmacology as related to Medical Imaging
22. discuss drug expected actions, reactions and possible interactions
23. discuss the contents of an emergency drug box
24. discuss premedication, including various drugs and their
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1. Principles of Patient Care in Medical Imaging
A. Effective communication.
B. Psychology of the sick.
C. Body mechanics.
D. Medical and surgical asepsis.
E. Administration of barium, medications and contrast media.
F. Infection control.
G. Isolation techniques.
H. Vital signs assessment.
I. Safe tube handling.
J. Psychology of death and dying
K. Urinary catheterization
L. Oxygen administration
M. Universal precautions
N. OSHA standards
O. Emergency situations
P. Patient Education
2. Medico-legal Aspects of Patient Care in Medical Imaging
A. Patient as consumer.
B. Organization of hospital and radiology department.
C. Medical records and radiographs.
D. Informed and implied consents
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Basic Medical Care Techniques and Patient Care in Imaging Technology,
Torres L, 5th edition, 1999.