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The student will:
General Concepts
1. draw and label the five components of the conceptual computer, describe
the function of each and give an example of hardware that serves that
2. define a personal computer
3. discuss the capabilities and limitations of the computer
4. define byte as a measure of memory/storage capacity
5. distinguish between software and hardware
6. distinguish between application and system software
7. identify three sources of information/assistance for the new computer
1. describe and demonstrate the four mouse actions
a) point
b) click
c) double click
d) drag
1. locate, identify and describe the use of the modifier keys
a) shift
b) Ctrl
c) Alt
2. locate, identify and describe the use of the toggle keys
a) Caps Lock
b) Num Lock
c) Ins/(overwrite)
3. compare and contrast Backspace and Del key actions
4. locate, identify and demonstrate the use of the alphanumeric keys,
special characters, space bar, function and escape keys, cursor
control keys and indicator lights
1. minimize, maximize and restore a window
2. identify program, group and application icons
3. open a group icon
4. start/launch a program from a program icon
to create a file, give it a name, save it on disk.
5. locate and choose appropriate commands from a menu bar and dropdown
6. identify and describe three windows menu conventions
a) grayed out commands
b) ellipses (...)
c) check mark
7. respond to simple dialog boxes including textboxes, "cancel" and "OK"
identify the windows components
8. identify the windows components
a) Active window
b) Title bar
9. use the control menu box to close a window
10. use horizontal and vertical scroll bars to view window contents
11. describe the meaning of changes in the mouse pointer appearance
Use word processing software to:
1. insert text into a document
2. describe and use the I-beam and insertion point
3. delete text from a codument
4. recognize, define and use word wrap
5. select text
6. format text by adding bold, centering, change of font and change of
7. respond to simple dialog boxes including textboxes, "cancel" and "OK"
8. indent text using default tab
9. display and recognize the non-printing characters: tab, space and
10. check and correct spelling
11. double space a document
12. save and retrieve a document
13. distinguish between Save and Save As...
14. preview and print a document
15. exit the word processing program
Disk Preparation and Handling
1. given a floppy diskette and a computer with a disk drive, be able to:
a) affix an adhesive label to the diskette
b) insert the disk into the drive
c) define format as well as format and add a volume label to the
d) define backup as well as make a backup of a diskette
e) define copy as well as copy a file from one drive to another
f) delete a file
2. list five basic rules for disk care
3. identify disk drive by drive letters
Internet/World Wide Web
1. list examples of the information available on the information highway
2. define the terms:
a) Internet
b) World Wide Web
c) home page
d) search engine
e) on-line service
f) Internet service provider
3. explain elements of an Internet/World Wide Web address
4. describe and use standard Web Browser interface conventions
a) pointed finger
b) clicable, colored text
c) menu buttons
5. use a search engine to locate at least two items of interest
Untitled document
1. Five components of the conceptual computer and their use and hardware
a) input
b) output
c) memory
d) storage
e) processor
2. Personal computer definition
3. Capabilities and limitations of the computer
4. Memory/Storage capacity (byte, K, MB only)
5. What is hardware?
a) keyboard and mouse
b) printer
c) disks and disk drives (including diskette, Hard disk and CD-ROM)
d) memory
e) CPU/microprocessor
6. What is software?
a) keyboard
b) memory - RAM and ROM
7. Resources
a) user groups
b) publications
c) retail stores
d) software manuals, tutorials, on-line help and phone support
8. Hands-on experience with
a) mouse
b) keyboard
c) Windows
d) diskette preparation (formatting and labeling) and handling
9. Word Processing
a) entering text: I-beam and insertion point
b) word wrap
c) selecting text
d) Save and Save As...
e) retrieving a file
f) non-printing characters
g) editing: inserting and deleting
h) formatting
1) character level: bold, size, font
2) paragraph level: center, double space, default tab
3) page level: margins
i) print preview and printing
j) spell check
k) exiting
10. File Management: backup, copy, delete
11. Internet and World Wide Web
a) example of information available
b) terminology and addressing
c) using a Web Browser
d) using a Search Engine
Untitled document
Microsoft Works 3.0 for Windows, Christopher Kelley, Course Technology
New Perspectives Concepts in Computing, Oja and Kelley, Course
Technology, 1994.