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Students will:
1. Develop attitudes and capabilities for humane, sensitive and
critical inquiry into cultural and historical issues--specifically
those related to bias, education and teaching--in a pluralistic
2. Identify and analyze their own cultural background and contrast and
compare their cultural identity to those of other groups. Recognized
groups include African Americans, Asian Americans, Chicano/Latino
Americans, Europeon Americans, Indigenous Peoples of the Americas,
and Americans of Middle Eastern origin.
3. Develop strategies to combat stereotyping and discriminatory
behavior in educational settings.
4. Compare and contrast diverse cultural communication styles and
childrearing practices in order to work more effectively with
children and families.
5. Analyze contemporary educational practices and environments for
sensitivity to the previously listed groups.
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The following topics will be addressed from an American multicultural
I. Race and Cultural Styles and Practices
A. Identifying ethnic/cultural groups, including African Americans,
Asian American, Chicano/Latino Americans, European Americans,
Indigenous Peoples of the Americas and Americans of Middle Eastern
B. Theories of the Development of Race and Culture
C. Communication Styles of the previously listed groups
D. Learning Styles of the previously listed groups
E. Childrearing Practices of the previously listed groups
II. Discriminatory Behavior in Education
A. Role of Opression and Its Effect on Education
B. Historical Dynamics of Discrimination
C. Research of Cultural Group other than the Student's
D. Critical Anaylsis of Self in Regards to Prejudice
III.Development of Bias Awareness in Children
A. Identification of Development/Racial Bias Attitudes
B. Development of Concepts of Race, Gender, Disabilities, Ethnicity,
C. Social, Cultural and Institutional Influences
IV. An Anti-Bias Educational Environment Addressing Race, Gender, Sexual
Orientation, etc.
A. Interactions and Communication between Adults and Children
B. Critical Analyses of Internalized Bias
C. Anti-Bias Classroom Materials
D. Visual/Aesthetic Environment
E. Integration of Children's Cultural Backgrounds into Classroom
V. Appropriate Educational Practices Developing sensitivity to the role
and importance of:
A. Classroom Management around Issues of Bias
B. Cultural Learning Styles
C. Curriculum Development
IV. Parents and Community
A. Parent/Teacher Communications
B. Parent Involvement
C. Curriculum Materials/Resources
D. Community Networking
E. Literature
F. Cultural Backgrounds and Teacher/Family/Community Interactions
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Assignments Include:
1. Weekly journal
2. Written analysis of media representations
3. Preparation of a written anti-bias activity appropriate for children
4. In-depth cultural study of oneself; contrast and compare with others
5. Participation in written exercises in class
6. Reading of text, handouts and articles
7. Written analysis of educational environments
8. Cultural research project
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Derman-Sparks, Louise. Anti-Bias Curriculum. Washington, D.C.:
NAEYC, 1989.
Chang, et al. Looking in- Looking Out: Redefining Child Care amd Early
Education in a Diverse Society, Calif. Tomorrow, 1996
Ramsey. Teaching & Learning in a Diverse World, Teachers College Press,
Brown-McCracken. Valuing Diversity: The Primary Years, NAEYC, 1994