Untitled document
I. Orientation
A. Requirements for attendance, class participation and assignments.
B. Overview of course and its relationship to the AJ program and
employment preparation.
C. Testing and grading
II.The Nature and Scope of Juvenile Procedures
A. Its unique laws, vocabulary, purpose and dynamics
B. A political definition of delinquency
C. Its relationship to the total field of justice administration
D. Crimes committed by juveniles
E. Crimes committed against juveniles
F. Statistics and trends
III.A Juvenile Justice System Emerges
A. Introduction to concepts
1. Age of Responsibility
2. "Parens Patriae"
3. "Loco Parentis"
B. The English Experience
C. The American Experience
D. The California System
E. A Reform School System
F. Juvenile Court and Probation Services Created
G. A Revolution in Juvenile Court Law
IV.The Status Offender
A. The Status Offender pre-1961
1. How the System Created Delinquents
2. A Legal Challenge to the Systme
3. The Traditional Approach Continues
B. The Revolution of 1976
1. A New Treatment Paradigm
2. The Dixon Bill
C. Current Status Offender procedures
1. Impact of the Dixon Bill
2. Community Resources for 601s
3. Recent Modifications in 601 Procedures
4. Missing Persons Procedures
5. 601 Truancy Procedures for police
6. 601 Curfew/Loitering procedures for police
V..Police Procedures with Delinquents
A. Introduction
1. The Police Organization
2. The Beat Officer
3. Who is the Delinquent?
B. Police-Juvenile Transactions
1. Consensual Encounter
2. Detention
3. Police Authority to Arrest
C. Juvenile Custody and the Miranda Warning
1. Fifth Amendment Case Law
2. Miranda Procedures Summarized
3. Age of Responsibility in California
D. Police Options After Taking Custody of Minors
1. Factors Influencing Discretion
E. Voluntary Chemical Testing of Minors
F. Victim Identification Procedures
G. Custody of Minors in Law Enforcement Facilities
1. Secure Detention in a Locked Room
2. Non-secure Detention
3. Regulations for Minors Detained
4. Minors' Rights to Make Phone Calls
H. Specialized Police Units
1. The School Liaison or Resource Officer
2. The DARE Program
3. The Youth Service Bureau
4. Task or Strike Force Organizations
VI.Special Police Procedures
A. Fourth Amendment Protection for Juveniles
B. School Searches
C. Police Searches of Probationers and Parolees
1. Police Searches of Probationers: A Review of Case Law
2. A Summary of Probation Search Procedures
3. Police Searches of Parolees: A Review of Case Law
VII. Juvenile Rights and Due Process in Court
A. Case Law
VIII. Jurisdiction Waiver Procedures
A. The fitness hearing, categories, criteria and judicial findings
B. Alternative waiver procedures
C. Legislative waiver
D. Direct filing procedures
IX. Pre-Court Procedures
A. Probation: organization & functions, intake, discretion of the
District Attorney
B. Steps toward adjudication:
1. the petition
2. the detention hearing
3. detention (juvenile hall)
4. establishing a Prima Facie Case
X. Juvenile Court Proceedings
A. The adjudication/jurisdictional hearing
B. The dispositional process
C. The probation officer's report
D. County camp, ranch or school commitments, commitment to CYA
E. Deferred entry of judgment
F. The citation hearing
G. Supplemental petition procedures
XI. Probation Services
A. Functional specialization
B. Authority of Probation Officer
C. Caseload size and assignment models
D. Conditions of Probation
E. Transfer of cases
F. Termination of wardship and probation
G. Sealing of records
H. Violations and revocation of probation
XII. The California Youth Authority
A. Sources of commitments
B. CYA programs
C. The youthful offender parole board
D. Calculating the commitment time
E. Parole consideration, youth authority parole services
XIII. The Dependent Child
A. Police authority
B. Categories of child abuse
C. Police questioning and discretion
D. Physical neglect, emotional maltreatment, assault and deprivation
E. Law enforcement investigation
XIV. Child Sexual Abuse and Dependency Court Proceedings
A. Sexual assault and exploitation
B. Police intervention, child protective services
C. Child abuse reporting laws
D. Sex offender, registration
E. Juvenile court dependency proceedings
Untitled document
1. Peoples, Edward E., Juvenile Procedures in California, 3rd ed.,
Forestville: Meadow Court Publishing Co., 2000.
2. Champion, Dean J., The Juvenile Justice System, 3rd ed., New Jersey:
Prentice Hall Publishers, 2001.
3. Bartollas, Clemens and Stuart J. Miller, Juvenile Justice in America,
3rd ed., New Jersey: Prentice Hall Publishers, 2001.
4. Yablovsky, Lewis, Juvenile Delinquency Into the 21st Century, Belmont,
CA: Wadsworth Publishing Co., 2000.