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The students will:
1. Apply intermediate functions of Dreamweaver and HTML to build and
manage a web site.
2. Plan and manage web sites with Dreamweaver using Cascading Style
Sheets, tracing, templates, libraries, frames, forms, and behaviors.
3. Analyze an existing web site; improve functioning and form by
including cascading style sheets.
4. Critique the use of intermediate Dreamweaver features in another's web
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1. Briefly review the Dreamweaver interface
a. The Object Palette
b. The Properties Inspector
c. The Launcher and Mini-Launcher
d. The Document Window
e. Preferences
f. External Editors
g. Preset Window Sizes
2. Layout
a. Applying a Tracing Image
b. Tracing Images, Background Colors, and Images
c. Converting Layers to Tables
d. Converting Tables to Layers
e. Using Margin Tags Basics of defining the site
3. Cascading Style Sheets
a. Redefining HTML Styles with Style Sheets
b. Defining a Custom Class
c. Using Selectors to Group Tags
d. Affecting Links with Selectors
e. Linking to a Style Sheet
f. From CSS to HTML Linking and HTML source
4. Templates/Libraries
a. Templates in Action
b. Creating a New Template
c. Modifying a Template
d. Library Items in Action
e. Creating a Library Item
f. Modifying a Library ItemTables
5. Frames
a. Frames: A Love-or-Hate Proposition
b. Saving Your First Frameset
c. Coloring Frames
d. Links and Targets
e. Adding a Background Image
f. Seamless Background Across Two Frames
g. Frames Objects Palette
6. Rollover
a. Creating a Simple Rollover
b. Animated Rollovers
c. Creating Pointer Rollovers
d. Creating Multiple-Event Rollovers
e. Inserting a Navigation Bar Rollover
7. Forms
a. Form Objects
b. Working with Form Objects
c. Creating a Form
d. Creating a Jump Menu
a. Dragging Layers
b. Using a Timeline for Animation
c. Play, Stop, and Reset the Timeline
9. Behaviors
a. Creating a Check Browser Behavior
b. Creating a Set Text of Status Bar Behavior
c. Creating a Set Text of Text Field Behavior
d. Opening a New Browser Window
e. Installing the Extension Manager
f. Inserting ImageReady Text
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"Dreamweaver 3 H.O.T. Hands-On Training", by Lynda Weinman and Garo
Green - Peachpit Press 2000