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Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate and verbalize knowledge of a variety of exercises based
on the principles of Joseph Pilates.
2. Perform fitness activities applying body alignment and usage
principles integral to the Pilates-based exercise method including:
recruitment of deep pelvic/abdominal musculature, neutral pelvic and
spine placement, proper alignment of extremities, coordination of
breathing with movement, and overall muscle control.
3. Identify one or more fitness goals and relate these goals to specific
Pilates-based exercises.
4. Analyze personal fitness progress in relation to Pilates-based
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I. Theoretical Information
A. Historical origins of Pilates-based exercise
1. The Joseph Pilates story
2. Introduction of Pilates' exercise methods in the Unites States
3. Evolution of Joseph Pilates' original theories
a. Interpretation of his methods by his students and other
teachers to whom the exercises were taught
b. Developments and modifications up to the present
B. Introduction to key principles and objectives of Pilates-based
1. Incorporation of natural curves of the spine (neutral pelvic
and spine position)
2. Core strengthening and stability
3. Extremity placement
4. Improvement of coordination and balance
5. Augmentation of joint range of motion
6. Development of increased kinesthetic awareness
7. Correction of muscle imbalances
8. Use of breath
a. as a tool to enhance concentration and centering
b. to facilitate physical execution
9. Injury Prevention
10. Use of visualization to facilitate performance of exercises
and improve mental focus during exercise
II. Exercise Techniques
A. Fundamental movements
1. "Pelvic Clocks"
a. facilitation of engagement of deep pelvic muscles
b. promotion of flexibility, strength and coordination of
pelvic muscles in relation to the legs
2. Breathing exercises
3. "Knee folds"
a. facilitation of iliopsoas and deep abdominal coordination
and strength
b. promotion of stability of back and pelvis while moving
the legs
4. Various abdominal exercises focusing on engagement of
internal and external obliques and transversus abdominal
5. Scapular Release
a. release of muscular tension in neck and shoulders
b. augmentation of awareness of scapular positioning in
"neutral" position
B. Adaptations of exercises based on Joseph Pilates' original
1. Exercises that emphasize:
a. strengthening of the deep muscles of the body's core
b. stabilizing of the pelvis and spine through engagement
of deep muscles
c. mobilizing and strengthening of extremities while
stabilizing scapulae or pelvis and low back
2. Modifications for varied levels of fitness and special
populations reflecting research in physical fitness since
Pilates' time in the areas of biomechanics, muskulo-skeletal
Injury prevention and contraindicated exercise
C. Application of key principles such as breathing and neutral spine
to the execution of exercises
D. Practice of kinesthetic awareness during all movement
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Instructor prepared materials