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I. Analyze and practice at an intermediate level karate principles of
a. Stability - As developed through training in the following
stances: front, side, back, feet together, feet together
apart, one legged, cross legged and natural.
b. Posture - As developed through proper alignment of feet,
knees, hips, shoulders and head.
c. Breathing - As developed through initiating the breathe
from the lower abdomen and directing it's energy out
through the technique.
d. Focus - As developed through concentrating all mental,
physical and spiritual energy to the target.
e. Hip and Leg Dynamics - As developed through body
vibration, rotation and shifting.
II. Analyze and develop an intermediate level knowledge of sparring
a. distancing - By increasing an awareness of the distance
between oneself and one's opponent and the distance
required to block an attack or execute a counterattack.
In addition to do this relative to the time required to
execute an attack or defense.
b. Timing - By further developing a practical understanding
of the time required to block an attack or execute a
counterattack in relation to the distance between
oneself and one's opponent.
c. Effective Technique - Further practice in executing an
effect technique under the distancing and timing
contraints of working with an opponent.
III. Analyze and develop karate principles exhibited through kata
a. Awareness - Further develop an awareness of one's own
body, the surrounding environment and other people and
dangers or potential dangers in the surrounding environment.
b. Visualization - Increase one's ability to see clearly in
one's mind the outcome of the battle before it occurs.
c. Imagination - Increase one's ability to imagine a
variety of attacks.
d. Creativity - Develop the ability to use intermediate
level skills to create defenses against a variety of