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Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Explain the history and evolution of the administration of
justice system.
2. Identify, compare and contrast the objectives of the law
enforcement, judicial and corrections components of the
criminal justice system.
3. List the criminal justice system's responsibilities to the
4. Identify general concepts in crime causation, and the social
implications of crime on society.
5. Compare and contrast the various local, state and federal
agencies, their organizational structure, and roles of each
subsystem within the criminal justice system.
6. Recognize and identify the key steps in the judicial process.
7. Identify and explain key U.S. Constitutional rights related to
criminal justice protected by the Bill of Rights and the Due
Process Clause.
8. Demonstrate an increased appreciation of the education, training
and professionalism needed for career opportunities in the
criminal justice system.
Untitled document
1. History and evolution of the administration of justice system
2. Organization and operation of law enforcement
A. Identification of principal local, state, and federal law
enforcement agencies
B. Identification of the principal objectives of the local, state
and federal law enforcement agencies
3. Innovations and role expectations for law enforcement personnel
A. Constitutional provisions - Effects of legal interpretations
(search and seizure, Miranda, use of force)
B. Emphasis upon order maintenance
C. Concepts in patrol and investigative methodology (community-
oriented policing; use of computers; scientific innovation in
the analysis of evidence)
D. Overseeing the police - citizen complaint investigation,
civilian review, ombudsman
E. Equal opportunity employment and the changing faces of the
police department
4. Structure and Role of Courts
A. Federal (United States Supreme Court, U.S. Circuit Court
of Appeal, U.S. District Court)
B. California Appellate Courts (District Court of Appeals and
Supreme Court
C. County Trial Courts (Superior Court)
D. Court officers - roles and expectations
5. Key Steps in the Judicial Process
A. Complaint, indictment, petition
B. Bail
C. Arraignment
D. Motions
E. Preliminary hearing
F. Pre-plea conference
G. Plea bargaining
H. Trial
I. Sentencing
6. Constitutional Law in the Judicial System
A. Key U.S. Constitutional rights protected by the 1st
4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, and 14th (Due Process and Equal
Protection) Amendments
B. Impact of key Amendments on Due Process of Law
7. Prosecutor's Role in the Judicial System
A. U.S. Attorney
B. State Attorney General
C. District and City Attorney
D. Prosecutor's use of discretion: legal sufficiency, system
efficiency, trial sufficiency
8. Defense Attorney's Role in the Judicial System
A. Public Defender
B. Private attorney and appointed/conflict counsel
C. Retained counsel
D. Defense counsel as an "agent-mediator"
9. Real vs. Ideal System of Justice
A. Due process model and crime control model
B. Plea bargaining - role and purposes
C. "Going rate", pre-plea conference, "copping out",
10. Purpose and Structure of the Correctional System
A. Contemporary correctional philosophy (warehousing v.
rehabilitation, 8th Amendment issues, recidivism,
increased commitment rates, inmate code, special
population problems, "shock probation"
B. California Department of Corrections overview
C. County and local corrections
11. Probation and Parole
A. Probation definition and purposes
B. Probation functions - investigation, supervision,
C. Parole definition and purposes
D. Parole functions - supervision
12. Special Issues Affecting the Criminal Justice System
A. Social change and challenge (hate crimes, gangs)
B. Role and impact of changing demographics & cultural
diversity in the justice system.
13. Career Paths for Criminal Justice Employment
A. Role of education & training
B. Job Preparation
C. Employment detractors (background, use of drugs, etc.)
D. Pre-employment testing procedures and hiring process (local,
state, federal)
14. Discipline-specific research tools
A. Introduction to discipline-specific research tools
1. Books
2. Important periodicals
3. Major indexing sources
4. Professional or trade organizations
5. Standard reference tools
6. Major web sites
B. Identification of realistic career objectives
Untitled document
Cole, George and Christopher Smith, CRIMINAL JUSTICE IN AMERICA,
Wadsworth Publishing Co., San Francisco, current edition.
California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training,
(POST), Learning Domain Workbooks 1 and 2, current edition.
N.C.J.R.S. MONTHLY ACCESSIONS LIST. National Institute of
Justice/NCJRS, Box 6000, Rockville, MD 20850.