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Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Apply a systematic algorithm to the analysis of statics problems.
2. Convert between force and position vectors and between Cartesian and spherical coordinate systems using a scientific calculator.
3. Apply both two and three dimensional vector equations for point equilibrium to solve for the tension or compression in supporting structures.
4. Compute the moment of a force about a point or an axis using cross product, dot product, and mixed triple product.
5. Apply moments and couples to determine equivalent force/moment systems on rigid bodies.
6. Develop vector equations of rigid body equilibrium and solve for the unknown reactions in both two and three dimensions.
7. Analyze trusses, frames, and machines using the principles of Newton's 1st and 3rd laws.
8. Construct shear and bending diagrams given load diagrams to describe the internal forces in beams.
9. Prepare engineering analysis reports with charts, tables, graphics, and proper documentation using spreadsheets.
Optional Objectives:
10. Apply statics principles to the analysis of dry friction statics problems.
11. Apply statics principles to the analysis of hydrostatic pressure problems.
12. Compute the center of mass, centroid, and moment of inertia for areas, volumes, and masses.
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1. General Principles
A. Newton's Laws
B. Units of Measurement
C. Numerical Calculations and Homework Standards
D. Basic Analysis Algorithms
2. Vectors
A. Vector Addition and Vector Components
B. Force Vectors
C. Position Vectors
D. Dot Product
E. Vector Operations on Scientific Calculators
3. Point Equilibrium
A. Free Body Diagrams
B. Coplanar Force Equilibrium Equations
C. Springs, Pulleys, Maximum-Minimum Relationships
D. Three Dimensional Equilibrium Problems
E. Solution of Systems on Scientific Calculators
F. Independent Variable Solutions on a Spreadsheet
G. Documentation Standards for Engineering Analysis Reports
4. Force System Resultants
A. Moment of a Force At a Point in Two and Three Dimensions
B. Moment of a Force about an Axis
C. Cross Product and Mixed Triple Product on Scientific Calculators
D. Couples
E. Equivalent Systems
F. Reduction of Equivalent Systems
G. Distributed Load Reduction
5. Equilibrium of a Rigid Body
A. Standard Reaction Constraints in Two and Three Dimensions
B. Free Body Diagrams for Rigid Bodies in Two and Three Dimensions
C. Equilibrium Equations for Rigid Bodies in Two and Three Dimensions
D. Equilibrium Special Cases: Two Force Bodies, Three Force Bodies
6. Analysis of Common Engineering Structures
A. Method of Joints Solutions of Trusses
B. Method of Sections Solutions of Trusses
C. Three Dimensional Space Trusses
D. Frames and Machines
7. Internal Forces
A. Section Method for Determining Internal Forces in Two and Three Dimensions
B. Axial Force and Torque Diagram Construction
C. Shear and Bending Moment Diagram Construction
Optional Topics:
8. Friction
A. Characteristics of Dry Friction
B. Wedge Friction Problems
C. Lead Screw Friction Problems
D. Belt Friction Problems
E. Bearing Friction Problems
F. Rolling Resistance Problems
9. Centroids and Center of Mass
A. Centroids of Areas and Volumes using Integration and Composite Body Approach
B. Center of Mass for a System of Particles.
C. Center of Mass of a Body using Integration and Composite Body Approach
D. Theorems of Pappus and Guldinus
E. Hydrostatic Pressure Systems and Their Reduction
10. Moments of Inertia
A. Moments of Inertia for Areas
B. Parallel Axis Theorem
C. Integration and Composite Body Approaches
D. Moments of Inertia for Masses
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Hibbeler, Engineering Mechanics Statics,11th Ed., Prentice Hall, 2007
Meriam, Engineering Mechanics, Statics, 6th Ed., Wiley, 2007