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Upon successful completion of this course the students will be able to:
1. Compare characteristics of different masonry materials and the results
of the manufacturing process in the production of different masonry
2. Evaluate attributes of masonry wall and roof construction systems and
apply the logic of masonry construction to the design of buildings.
3. Evaluate attributes of heavy steel framing and apply the logic of
heavy steel framing to building frame design.
4. Compare characteristics of different types of cement and concrete and
the requirements for placing concrete for building construction.
5. Evaluate the attributes of one-way and two-way sitecast concrete
systems and apply the logic of one-way and two-way systems to building
framing design.
6. Analyze and describe the role of regular reinforcing and posttensionin
g in concrete building systems.
7. Evaluate the attributes of precast concrete systems and apply the
logic of precast concrete systems to building design.
8. Analyze the role of cladding systems and sealant joints in cladding of
high-rise buildings.
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1. Brick masonry
a. History of use
b. Mortar types and uses
c. The logic of brick masonry construction system
d. Elements of the system and their connections
2. Stone and concrete block masonry
a. History of use
b. Stone: solid and veneer systems
c. Concrete block masonry types and uses
d. The logic of stone and concrete block masonry systems
e. Elements of the system and their connections
3. Masonry loadbearing wall construction
a. Types of masonry walls
b. The logic of masonry loadbearing wall construction system
c. Elements of the system and their connections
d. Spanning systems for masonry walls
e. Masonry and the Codes
4. Heavy steel frame construction
a. History of use
b. How steel is made
c. The logic of steel framing systems
d. Elements of the system and their connections
e. Common problems of heavy steel frame system
f. Unique characteristics of wood light frame system
g. Building Code concerns
5. Concrete construction
a. History of use
b. Cement and concrete, characteristics and manufacture
c. Making formwork and placing concrete
d. Logic of reinforcing for concrete
e. Concrete prestressing - pretensioning and posttensioning
6. Site-cast concrete framing systems
a. Slabs, walls and columns
b. The logic of a one-way concrete system
c. The logic of a two-way concrete system
d. Posttensioning a sitecast concrete system
e. Principles of economic design of sitecast concrete systems
f. Building Code concerns.
7. Precast concrete framing systems
a. Typical precast structural elements and how they are manufactured
b. The logic of assembly concepts for precast buildings
c. Connections of elements in the system
d. Building Code concerns
8. High-rise cladding systems
a. Design requirements for cladding systems
b. The logic of designing watertight joints in cladding
c. Sealant joints in cladding
d. Building Code concerns
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Allen, Edward. Fundamentals of Construction Allen, 3rd edition, John Wiley
& Sons, 2003.