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The students will perform 5 exercises showing the following skills:
1. The Actor
A. The instrument (Body and Voice); Relaxation, Diaphragmatic
Breathing, Physical and Vocal Flexibility, Speech, Stage
Movement and Business.
B. Inner Resources: Concentraion, Sense Recall/Emotional
Memory, Personalization, Imaging.
2. The Text
A. The Given Circumstances: Who? What? When? Where? Why?
B. Defining the Role: Character History, Character History,
Character Personality, Character Behavior, Utilization of the
Magic "If" from Stanislovski.
C. Defining the Action: Objective/Action; Beat
D. Playing the Action: Obstacle, Conflict.
3. The Rehearsal
A. Blocking, Stage Postitions, Acting Areas.
B. Working with the Director, the other Actors.
C. Procedures for Memorization.
4. The Performance
A. The Environment: Its Effect Upon the Actor as Character.
B. The Props: Endowment of Objects with Real Significance.
C. The Characters: Relationship between Actors as Characters.
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1. Three Acting Exercises (1A, 1B, 2A above) ranging from 3 to 5
minutes in length.
2. One Monoloque Performance from a modern or contemporary play,
ranging from 1-2 minutes in length.
3. One Scene Performance from a Modern or Contemporary Play, ranging
from 5-10 minutes in length.
4. One written Character Analysis (2A-2D above).
5. One play critique of a Theatre Arts Department production.
6. One in-class test from the text that will include acting vocabulary.
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ACTING, THE FIRST SIX LESSONS, Richard Boleslavsky,1994,Theatre Arts Books
AN ACTOR PERFORMS by Mel Shapiro. 1997, Harcourt,Brace & Co
THE STANISLAVSKI SYSTEM by Sonia Moore, 1984, 2Ed, Penguin Books
AUDITION by Michael Shurtleff, 1980, Bantam/Doubleday
THE BEGINNING ACTOR'S COMPANION by Donna Breed and Susan Pate, 1996,3Ed
Kendall Hunt
ACTING WITH BOTH SIDES OF YOUR BRAIN, by Delgado, 1986, Harcourt, Brace
ACTING IS BELIEVING by Charles McGaw, 1996,7ED, Harcourt, Brace
AN ACTOR PREPARES by Constantin Stanislavski, 1984, Theatre Arts Books
ART AND FEAR by David Bayles and Ted Orland, 1993, Capra Press
ACTOR'S BOOK OF SCENES FROM NEW PLAYS by Eric Lane & Nina Shengold, 1988
Penguin Books
PRACTICAL HANDBOOK FOR THE ACTOR by Millissa Bruder, Lee Michael Cohn,
Madelaine Olneck, Nathaniel Pollack, Robert Previto, Scott Zigler, 1986
Random House
Sharrar, 1995, Smith & Kraus