Evaluation Worksheet for Certificate ESL: Academic Preparedness and Career Development
SID: ________________________________ Certificate of Completion - 5067
  Effective: Fall 2023
  English for Multilingual Students
Name: ________________________________ (707) 521-6935

REQUIREMENTS: Complete 0.0 units

Academic Preparedness and Career Development - complete 0.0 units
CourseDescriptionUnitsCompletedIn ProgressComments
Complete any combination totaling at least 0.0 units from the following:
Complete 1 - 2 courses from below    
Complete a combination totaling at least 0.0 units from the following:
ESL 716 andHigh Intermediate Non-Credit English as a Second Language and0.0   
ESL 716RWIntermediate Non-Credit ESL Reading/Writing0.0   
ESL 781Transitional Reading/Writing/Grammar for NC ESL Students0.0   
ESL 781A andLow Interm Read/Writ/Gramm for Transitional NC ESL Pt 1 and0.0   
ESL 781BLow Interm Read/Writ/Gramm for Transitional NC ESL Pt 20.0   
Complete any combination totaling at least 0.0 units from the following:
Complete 1 course from below    
Complete any combination totaling at least 0.0 units from the following:
ESL 716CP Intermediate Non-Credit ESL Conversation/Pronunciation0.0   
ESL 722 ESL Computer Literacy0.0   
ESL 732 ESL for Computer Studies0.0   
ESL 734 ESL for the Health Sciences0.0   
ESL 735 Vocational English as a Second Language for Culinary Arts0.0   
ESL 753 Practical ESL for Early Childhood Professionals0.0   

It is important that students who are completing an Associate Degree and desire to transfer to a four-year institution meet with a counselor to plan their lower division coursework. While many majors at SRJC are intended to align with lower division major preparation required by California public universities, specific lower-division major requirements vary among individual campuses. See a counselor, visit the Transfer Center, and check Guides For Transfer in Specific Majors, and ASSIST to review transfer preparation guides for specific schools and majors.


Choose only one (1) of the requirement options. There are three (3) options to choose from.

Required courses option A: ESL 716 and ESL 716RW
Required courses option B: ESL 781
Required courses option C: ESL 781A and ESL 781B

Plus one (1) course from the list of electives:
Complete one (1) elective course: ESL 716 CP, ESL 722, ESL 732, ESL 735, or ESL 753

    Evaluation worksheet completed upon receipt of Transfer Credit Evaluation form. Includes credit from other institutions only received to date.

    Evaluation worksheet completed for ________________________________. Includes all SRJC and transfer credit received to date.

Units completed:    __________
Units in progress:    __________
Total:    __________
    Requirements Completed
    Pending (work in progress)
    Requirements Not Completed



Date: ________________________   By: ____________________________________________