Evaluation Worksheet for Certificate Civil Engineering Technology
SID: ________________________________ Certificate of Achievement - 3267
  Effective: Summer 2025
  Engineering and Applied Technology
Name: ________________________________ (707) 527-4603

REQUIREMENTS: Complete 25.0 units

Civil Engineering Technology Core Requirements - complete 25.0 units
CourseDescriptionUnitsCompletedIn ProgressComments
APTE 191 Problem Solving in Civil Engineering Technology3.0   
CEST 51 Civil Drafting Technology3.0   
CEST 63 Subdivision Planning3.0   
CEST 64 Public Works Inspection and Testing3.0   
CEST 65 Public Works Plans and Estimating3.0   
CEST 85 CADD for Civil, Surveying and Land Development3.0   
CEST 192 Non-Technical Skills for the Civil Engineering Technician3.0   
GIS 40 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS)4.0   

It is important that students who are completing an Associate Degree and desire to transfer to a four-year institution meet with a counselor to plan their lower division coursework. While many majors at SRJC are intended to align with lower division major preparation required by California public universities, specific lower-division major requirements vary among individual campuses. See a counselor, visit the Transfer Center, and check Guides For Transfer in Specific Majors, and ASSIST to review transfer preparation guides for specific schools and majors.


It is recommended that students who have not had high school courses in mathematics through plane geometry and second-year algebra/trig take the Math placement test self-assessment and consider enrolling in an appropriate course, PRIOR to enrolling in certificate program courses. Those students are also encouraged to contact the CESGT Program Coordinator to discuss their concerns.

As the CESGT Program is rigorous and extremely computer and technology-intensive, for students with limited computer literacy, CS 5 is recommended. Please contact the program coordinator or a counselor for more information.

    Evaluation worksheet completed upon receipt of Transfer Credit Evaluation form. Includes credit from other institutions only received to date.

    Evaluation worksheet completed for ________________________________. Includes all SRJC and transfer credit received to date.

Units completed:    __________
Units in progress:    __________
Total:    __________
    Requirements Completed
    Pending (work in progress)
    Requirements Not Completed



Date: ________________________   By: ____________________________________________