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At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Identify course objectives, requirements, assignments, activities, evaluation methods and participation requirements
2. Identify the different levels and courses required for certification in the Fire Officer Tract and the capstone task book and testing process
3. Describe the duties of a Level I and II Company Officer and a Level I Wildland Fire Officer
4. Demonstrate the ability to develop an initial plan of action
5. Demonstrate the ability to implement a plan of action
6. Demonstrate the ability to develop and conduct a post-incident analysis
7. Identify the elements of operational plan used to obtain resources and implement plans in accordance with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1600 to mitigate the incident
8. Demonstrate the ability to write a report identifying the causes of service demands within an agency's service area
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I. Orientation and Administration
A. Review of facilities
B. Review of classroom requirements
C. Review of syllabus, participation, assignments and evaluation methods
II. Fire Officer Certification Track Course Requirements
A. Level I requirements
B. Level II requirements
C. The capstone task book process
D. The capstone testing process
III. Duties of a Company (level I) Officer
A. Use of personnel to accomplish assignments
B. Dealing with the community
C. General administrative functions
D. Supervising emergency operations
E. Conducting inspections and investigations
F. Implementing health and safety plans and procedures
IV. Developing an Initial Plan of Action
A. Principles of command
1. Decision making
2. Command presence
3. Risk assessment
B. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for emergency operations
1. Size-up
2. Report on conditions
3. Company operations
C. Analysis of emergency scene conditions for various incidents
1. Single family dwellings
2. Multiple family dwellings
3. Commercial occupancy fires
4. Assembly occupancy fires
5. Mid-rise and high-rise fires
6. Multi-casualty incidents
7. Technical rescue incidents
D. Activating local emergency plans
E. Allocating resources
F. Components of the Incident Command System (ICS) 201 briefing form
G. Effect of fire behavior in a structure
V. Implementing a Plan of Action
A. Resources available for the mitigation of an emergency
1. Emergency resources
2. Non-emergency resources
B. Using an incident management system
C. Scene safety considerations
D. Mitigating scene safety hazards
E. Personnel accountability systems
F. Managing and accounting assigned personnel in emergency conditions
G. Procedures for the transfer of command
VI. Developing and Conducting a Post-Incident Analysis
A. Elements of a Post-Incident Analysis
1. Strategy and tactics
2. Safety issues
B. Contributing factors for various incidents
C. Departmental procedures
1. Dispatch
2. Operations
3. Customer service
VII. Operational Plans Used to Mitigate Incidents
A. National, state and local informational recourse available to mitigate emergency incidents
B. Command staff and unit supervision positions in the Incident management system
C. Components of NFPA 1600, Disaster/Emergency Management and Business Continuity
VIII. Writing Reports Identifying Service Demand Causes - Interpreting Response Data to
Identify Reasons for Service Demands
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Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer. 5th ed. IFSTA. 2014 (classic)
Fire Officer: Principles and Practices. 3rd. Ward, Michael. Jones and Bartlett. 2015 (classic)
FIRESCOPE Field Operations Guide ICS 420-1. 2012 (classic)
NFPA 1600, Standard on Disaster/Emergency Management and Business Continuity Programs. 2015 (classic)