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At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Describe the anatomy of a vehicle as it relates to extrication practices.
2. List the types of rescue tools and their application in an extrication assignment.
3. Identify the steps in sizing up and stabilizing an accident scene.
4. Describe the procedures used to remove and/or displace vehicle components.
5. Describe wildland fire behavior and the tactics and the factors that influence it.
6. Describe the strategies used to fight wildland fires.
7. Demonstrate the ability to properly use wildland safety equipment.
8. Describe how to safely operate at a wildland fire.
9. Demonstrate the proper application of the tools used in wildland firefighting.
10. Identify the safety considerations when working at an Interface (I-Zone) fire.
11. Demonstrate the ability to assess and recognize the illness and injuries encountered by a First Responder.
12. Demonstrate the ability to treat and conduct patient care as a First Responder.
13. Demonstrate the proper application and use of an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED).
14. Describe the correct procedures to follow when dealing with Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and elder abuse.
15. Describe the components of Incident Command System (ICS) and its application at emergency scenes.
16. Demonstrate an awareness of the limitations and dangers of confined space environments.
17. Describe the roles and limitations of a hazardous materials (HAZMAT) first responder.
18. Identify the steps involved in conducting a hazardous materials risk assessment and selecting the proper personal protective equipment (PPE).
19. Demonstrate the ability to safely conduct, control, contain, and decontaminate a hazardous materials incident.
20. Describe the correct procedures for terminating a hazardous materials incident.
Untitled document
I. Auto Extrication
A. Vehicle extrication principles
B. Vehicle anatomy
C. New vehicle safety systems
D. Vehicle accident size-up
E. Principles of vehicle disentanglement
F. Characteristics and functions of rescue tools
G. Vehicle stabilization
H. Windshield removal
I. Roof removal
J. Opening and removing doors
K. Displacing steering wheels and columns
L. Displacing vehicle seats
II. Wildland Firefighting
A. Wildland fire behavior
B. Fire weather
C. Wildland firefighter preparedness and personal protective equipment (PPE)
D. Wildland firefighter safety
1. Lookouts, communications, escape routes and safety zones (LCES)
2. Safety considerations when working around dozers
3. Safety considerations when working near aircraft
E. Characteristics and functions of fire shelters
1. How to deploy a fire shelter - Standing method
2. How to deploy a fire shelter - Lying down method
F. Parts of a wildland fire
G. Wildland fire strategy
H. Handline construction
I. Characteristics and functions of wildland hand tools
J. Inspection and maintenance of wildland hand tools
K. Characteristics and functions of back pumps
L. Characteristics and functions of fusees as a firing tool
M. Characteristics, functions and use of a drip torch
N. Characteristics and functions of wildland hose lays
1. Water application on wildland fires
2. Constructing progressive hose lays
O. Mobile attack operations
P. Characteristics and functions of mop-up and patrol
Q. Methods for scouting and communicating spot fires
R. Navigational tools
1. Use of a compass
2. Use of a topography map
3. Use of a Global position system (GPS)
S. Introduction to an Incident Base
T. Working with wildland fire resources
U. I-Zone firefighting
1. Introduction to the I-Zone
2. I-Zone safety considerations
3. I-Zone structure protection procedures
III. Emergency Care
A. First aid
1. Overview of the Emergency Medical System
2. Assessment and examination of a victim
3. Recognition and treatment of:
a. Heart attack and stroke
b. Fainting, convulsions and/or drug abuse
c. Heat exhaustion, heat stroke, hypothermia and frost bite
d. Types of wounds and control of bleeding
e. Bandaging techniques, first aid kits and supplies
f. Shock, its causes, infections and closed wounds
g. Eye, face, scalp, jaw and ear injuries
h. Injuries of the head, neck, back, trunk, arms and legs
i. Exposure to toxic substances
j. Bites and stings by snakes, marine life and insects
k. Burns and their severity
l. Open and closed fractures, sprains, strains and dislocated joints
m. Obstetrical emergencies
B. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and AED use
C. Elder abuse
D. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
E. Blood borne pathogens
IV. Incident Command System (ICS)
A. Introduction to the ICS
B. Basic ICS
V. The National Incident Management System (NIMS)
VI. Confined space rescue awareness
A. Hazards associated with confined space emergencies
B. Emergency response procedures for confined space emergencies including non-entry
C. Site control and scene management
VII. Hazardous Materials Response
A. Hazardous materials response plans
B. First Responder operational level proficiency
1. Basic hazard and risk assessment techniques
2. Selection and use of the correct PPE
3. The composition of hazardous materials teams
4. Control, containment, and confinement operations
5. The rescue of injured or contaminated persons
6. Decontamination techniques and equipment
7. Hazardous materials response operating and incident termination procedures.
All topics are covered in both the lecture and lab portions of the course.