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1. Web Application Life Cycle
2. Web Modules
3. Configuring Web Applications
4. Java Servlet Technology
1. Servlets
2. Servlet Life Cycle
3. Writing Service Methods
4. Filtering Requests and Responses
5. Maintaining Client State
5. JavaServer Pages Technology
1. JavaServer Page (JSP)
2. The Life Cycle of a JSP Page
3. Creating Static Content
4. Creating Dynamic Content
5. Expression Language
6. Using Custom Tags
6. JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL)
1. Using JSTL
2. Core Tag Library
3. Extensible Markup Language (XML) Tag Library
4. Internationalization Tag Library
5. Structured Query Language (SQL) Tag Library
7. Custom Tags in JSP Pages
1. Custom Tag
2. Types of tags
3. Using Tag Files
4. Tag Library Descriptors
5. Programming Tag Handlers
8. Scripting in JSP pages
1. Using Scripting
2. Declarations
3. Scriptlets
4. Expressions
9. JavaServer Faces Technology
1. JavaServer Faces Application
2. Framework Roles
3. A Simple JavaServer Faces Applications
4. User Interface Component Model
5. Navigation Model
6. Backing Bean Management
7. How the Pieces Fit Together
8. The Life Cycle of a JavaServer Faces Page
10.Using JavaServer Faces Technology in JSP Pages
1. Setting up A Page
2. Using the Core Tags
3. Using the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) Component Tags
4. Using Localized Messages
5. Using the Standard Converters
6. Registering Listeners on Components
7. Using the Standard Validators
8. Binding Component Values and Instances to External Data Sources
9. Referencing a Backing Bean Method
10.Using Custom Objects
11.Configuring JavaServer Faces Applications
1. Application Configuration Resource File
2. Configuring Beans
3. Registering Messages
4. Registering a Custom Validator
5. Registering a Custom Converter
6. Configuring Navigation Rules
7. Registering a Custom Renderer with a Render Kit
8. Registering a Custom Component
12. Internationalizing and Localizing Web Applications
1. Java Platform Localization Classes
2. Providing Localized Messages and Labels
3. Date and Number Formatting
4. Character Sets and Encodings
1. Realms, Users, Groups and Roles
2. Web-Tier Security
3. Understanding Login Authentication
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1. Create a web site containing the following elements:
a. Password protection via database lookup
b. A connection to a back-end relational database
c. Input forms with validated fields
d. Java programs to process form data
e. Extract information from the database with SQL using inserts, selects, deletes and updates
f. Process cookies on client machines
g. Email messages automatically as the results of queries
h. Full user interface
2. Research Java resource sites and newsgroups for assistance with problems and to exchange ideas
3. Present web site to the class
4. Provide program documentation
5. Take four to six quizzes
6. Read 20 to 30 pages per week
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Introduction to Java Programing, Comprehensive, 8th edition, by Daniel Lang. Pearson Custom Computer Science, 2010.