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Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Describe the fundamental principles of entity relationship (ER)
2. Evaluate and describe steps involved in constructing an entity
relationship diagram (ERD).
3. Differentiate between the forms and functions SQL and SQL*Plus.
4. Summarize the structure and standards for SQL.
5. Describe the main functions of Development Makeup Language (DML)
select command, five basic types of predicates, and use of arithmetic
expressions and logical connectives.
6. Analyze the sub-query methods for multi-table queries.
7. Compare the effects and purpose of the SELECT statement and use of the
WHERE and ORDER BY clause with the select statement.
8. Distinguish between equijoins and non-equijoins and when to use outer
joins and self-joins.
9. Compare and contrast the different group functions available to the
SQL user. Describe differences between public and private synonyms.
10. Create, drop, and view indexes and synonyms.
11. Evaluate and describe how to create and use sequences.
12. Describe how to create, modify, and delete simple and complex views,
include options to protect data integrity.
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1. Creation and maintenance of database systems
a. System development life cycle
b. Data storage on different media
c. Relational database concepts and properties
d. Data models
e. Entity relationship models and conventions
2. SQL*Plus concepts
a. Relationship between SQL and SQL*Plus
b. SQL*Plus overview
c. Logging in to SQL*Plus
d. Displaying table structure with SQL*Plus
e. SQL*Plus editing commands
f. SQL*Plus file commands
3. Restricting and sorting data
a. Limiting rows using a selection
b. Using the WHERE clause
c. Character strings and dates
d. Comparison operators
e. Sorting: descending, by column alias, by multiple columns
4. Single row functions
a. SQL functions
1) Character functions
2) Number functions
3) Date functions
b. NVL (check-expression, replace-expression) function
c. RR Date format
d. Data type conversions
5. Displaying data from multiple tables
a. Join overview
b. Type of joins
1) Equijoin
2) Outer joins
3) Inner joins
4) Self joins
c. Logical operators: AND and OR
d. Table aliases
6. Aggregating data using group functions
a. Types of group functions
b. Group functions and null values
c. Creating groups of data
d. Using NVL function with group functions
e. Excluding group results
f. Nesting group functions
7. Subqueries
a. Guidelines for using subqueries
b. Single-row subqueries
c. Multi-row subqueries
d. Overview of ANY and ALL operators
8. Manipulating data
a. Data Manipulation Language (DML)
b. INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements
c. COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements
d. Read consistency
9. Creating and managing tables
a. Database objects
b. CREATE TABLE statement
c. Querying the data dictionary
d. ALTER TABLE statement
e. DEFAULT and SET UNUSED options
f. Dropping and truncating a table
g. Changing the name of an object
10. Creating and manipulating views
a. Simple and complex views
b. Creating and retrieving data from a view
c. Modifying views
d. Rules for using DML operations on views
e. Denying DML operations
f. Inline views
g. Performing "Top-N" analysis
11. Other database objects
a. Sequences
1) CREATE SEQUENCE statement
2) Confirming sequences
3) Using, modifying, and removing a sequence
b. Indexes
1) Creating an index
2) Function-based indexes
c. Creating and removing synonyms
12. Interacting with the Oracle server
a. Overview of PL/SQL
b. PL/SQL syntax and guidelines
c. SELECT statements
d. Inserting, updating, and deleting data w/ PL/SQL
e. COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements
13. PL/SQL control structures
a. IF/THEN/ELSE statement
b. FOR statement
c. WHILE statement
14. Working with composite datatypes
a. PL/SQL records
b. %ROWTYPE attributes
c. Creating PL/SQL tables
d. Using PL/SQL table methods
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1. "Oracle 8i: A Beginner's Guide", by Abbey, Abramson & Corey -
McGraw-Hill Professional Book Group. 1999
2. "Learn Oracle 8i", by Jose A. Ramahlo - Wordware Publishing, Inc.
3. "Enhances Guide to Oracle 8i", by Joline and Mike Morrison -
Course Technology, 2002.