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At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Critique how marketing influences business decisions.
2. Analyze the role of marketing concepts, conceive the impact of positioning, and weigh the value of various marketing strategies.
3. Organize research methods in relation to target market to measure consumer and/or business buying behavior.
4. Compare and contrast product features and attributes.
5. Differentiate the characteristics of consumer versus business goods.
6. Assess product life cycle.
7. Rank branding influence on company profitability and image.
8. Identify the relationship between marketing, people, planet, and profit.
9. Assess the potential market fit of new and innovative ventures.
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I. Introduction to Marketing
A. Overview and history of marketing
B. Components of a successful marketing concept
C. Introduction to markets
1. Market versus market segment
2. Positioning
3. Forecast demand
4. Marketing mix
D. Ethics
E. Global perspective of marketing
F. Social responsibility
G. Sustanability
II. Nature and Scope of Marketing
A. Environmental scanning
B. External macroenvironment and forces of influence
1. Economic conditions
2. Regulatory controls
3. Competition
4. Social and cultural forces
5. Technological forces
C. Organizational internal environment
III. Consumer versus Business Markets
A. Consumer markets
1. Consumer demographics
2. Level of involvement
3. Culture versus subculture
4. Maslow's hierachy of needs
5. Personality
B. Business markets
1. Components of the business market
2. Characteristics of business demand
C. Determinants of business market demand
D. Business buying behavior and business buying decision process
IV. Segmentation
A. Market segmentation
B. Segmenting consumer markets
C. Segmenting business markets
D. Target market strategies
E. Positioning
V. Targeting
A. Uses of marketing research
B. Marketing information systems
C. Decision support systems
D. Databases, data warehouses, and data mining
E. Marketing research projects
1. Consumer surveys and the internet
2. Making adjustment to conduct global research
F. Competitive intelligence
VI. Product Planning and Development
A. Attributes comprising a product
B. Product characteristics and considerations
1. Consumer goods
2. Business goods
C. Product innovation
D. New product development
1. Strategy
2. Criteria for new products
3. Adoption and diffusion
VII. Product Life Cycle
A. Product-mix and product line
B. Product-mix strategies
1. Positioning the product
2. Positioning in relation to a product class or attribute
3. Product-mix expansion
4. Alteration of existing products
5. Product-mix contraction
6. Trading up and trading down
C. Product life cycle
D. Planned obsolescence and fashion
VIII. Branding
A. Branding development stratgies
B. Physcial branding
C. Emotional branding
D. Packaging and labeling
E. Product design, color and quality
F. Promotions, social media, and digital communications
IX. Services Marketing
A. Presentation of "22 Immutable Laws of Marketing" by Ries and Trout
B. Nature and importance of services
X. Pricing and Distribution, Global Markets
A. Price determination
B. Price strategies
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Marketing: The Core. Kerin & Hartley. McGraw Hill. 2025