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Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Describe the guiding principles of the code of Ethics and the Code of Conduct of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID), compare them with ethical codes of conduct of other related professions, and participate in interpreting situations which illustrate these principles.
2. Discuss the role of cultural competence, personal values, and roles and identities as tools for resolving ethical dilemmas as future interpreters.
3. Describe various issues and aspects of audism in the context of oppression of cultural and linguistic minorities.
4. Apply the principles of ethical decision-making to a variety of situations involving interpretation or translation between American Sign Language and English..
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I. Philosophical basis of ethics and morality
A. Ancient Greece - Ethical ideas and philosophies of Aristotle, Socrates and Plato
B. Ancient Rome - Stoicism, natural law and ethical thinking
II. Elements of a "tool box" for decision-making
A. Identification of personal cultural norms, behaviors and values through discussion and journaling
B. Examining multiple perspectives of an issue and the impact of an individual's specific perspectives on ethical decision-making
C. Looking at settings and situations where the exploration of value differences is beneficial, e.g. workplaces, classrooms, business environments, medical situations, conflict management situations and other contexts
D. Analyzing lexical choices and linguistic/cultural decisions by working from ASL to English and vice versa
E. Practical applications through selected interpreting role-playing situations
III. An examination of the interpreter's role in ethical decision-making
A. The interpreter as a linguistic and cultural mediator
B. Interpreter as advocate
C. Practical applications through selected interpreting role-playing situations
IV. Professionalization of the field
A. Applying a principle-centered approach for solving personal and professional problems and examining how to live with fairness, integrity, honesty, and human dignity as essential principles for professional working interpreters
B. The concept and meaning of professional boundaries and the application of those boundaries on the job
V. Codes of Ethics and Codes of Conduct
A. Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct of the Registry of Interpreters of the Deaf (Hereafter RID)
B. Analysis and comparison of RID's codes with codes of other professions
C. An examination of medical and legal codes of conduct as a basis for ethical decision-making in medical and legal fields
D. Practical applications through selected interpreting role-playing situations
VI. Analyzing and resolving ethical dilemmas
A. Exploring and developing practical guidelines for a mindful approach to analyzing and resolving ethical dilemmas
B. Applying practical tools for developing awareness and resolving dilemmas associated with working outside an individual's own culture and language
VII. Audism
A. How an interpreter's experience of being able to hear has a profound impact of his/her world experience
B. How interpreters unknowingly contribute to inadvertent oppression
VIII. Practice translation and interpreting exercises to apply ethical decision-making to specific interpreter situations
A. Translation
B. Voice to sign
C. Sign to voice
D. Role-playing ethical decision making
E. Demonstrating certain case scenarios
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1. Reading 15-20 pages of textbook - involves in-depth analysis of one case study per class with follow-up written homework.
2. Other homework: activities include interpreter interviews, journal writing, internet research plus one supplementary article (5-15 pages) per class with accompanying essay questions.
3. Application of self-assessment tools (already taught in 131) in 2-3 class presentations and in-class discussions to encourage self-reflection in the decision-making process.
4. Development and presentation of 2-3 in-class presentations on individual case studies taken from a variety of articles and the class textbook.
5. Development and presentation of 2-3 case studies that explore the meaning of "professionalism" as it relates to Sign Language Interpreters and applies a professional code of ethics to individual interpreting situations.
6. 2-3 written exams on presented materials and readings.
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Ethics and Decision Making: Ethical Standards and Practice Within Pre-Service and In-Service Interpreter Education Programs. Stewart, K.L., Witter-Merithew, A. Teaching Sign Media: 2000.
Instructor prepared materials