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At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Apply basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to whole numbers, fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals.
2. Apply basic operations to signed numbers and algebraic expressions.
3. Represent a number in its equivalent decimal, fraction, percent, and scientific notation.
4. Interpret data from basic graphs, charts, and tables.
5. Convert units of English and metric measurements, using tables of equivalents.
6. Identify basic mathematical language and translate into numerical and symbolic notation.
7. Use rounding and estimating to solve word problems and verify answers.
8. Interpret and apply strategies to solve basic word problems containing whole numbers, fractions, decimals, percents, and signed numbers.
9. Set up and solve basic linear and proportional equations.
10. Apply formulae for perimeter, area, and volume of regular and irregular shapes to solve measurement problems.
11. Apply order of operations.
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I. Whole numbers
A. Place value and terminology
B. Rounding and estimating whole numbers
C. Four operations with whole numbers, including the language of expressing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
D. Word problems, charts, graphs, and tables with whole numbers
II. Fractions
A. Fraction terminology
B. Equivalent fractions; reviewing and building fractions
C. Four operations with fractions and mixed numbers
D. Prime factors, prime factorization, multiples
E. Word problems with fractions
III. Decimals
A. Place value and terminology
B. Rounding decimals
C. Conversions between decimals and fractions
D. Comparing and ordering decimals
E. Four operations with decimals
F. Word problems, charts, graphs, and tables with decimals
IV. Ratio and proportion
A. Setting up and solving proportions
B. Unit rate
C. Word problems with ratio and proportion
V. Percents
A. Conversions between decimals, fractions, and percents
B. Setting up percent problems; finding whole, part, and percent
C. Word problems with percents
VI. Measurement
A. Converting units of English and metric measurements
B. Four operations, as applied to units of measurement
VII. Signed numbers
A. Reading a number line with rational numbers, absolute value, and relative size of numbers
B. Four operations with signed integers, fractions, and decimals
C. Word problems with signed numbers
VIII. Exponents
A. Simplifying exponential expressions using rules of exponents
B. Scientific notation
C. Word problems
IX. Geometry measurement
A. Perimeter, area, and volume of regular and irregular shapes
B. Manipulating formulae
X. Algebraic expressions
A. Algebraic terminology
B. Simplifying algebraic expressions
XI. Equations
A. Solving linear equations
B. Algebraic word problems
XII. Descriptive Statistics
A. Mean
B. Median
C. Mode
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ALEKS online Learning Management System. McGraw-Hill Ed. 2021
Instructor prepared materials