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At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Evaluate job costs.
2. Create a job takeoff analysis.
3. Explain regulations related to sexual harassment.
4. Describe and draw structured wiring systems.
5. Calculate resistance in AC circuits.
6. Diagram branch circuits.
7. Evaluate conductor voltage drop.
8. Explain and utilize DC theory.
9. Utilize the National Electrical Code book.
10. Describe and demonstrate electromagnetism.
11. Differentiate and use the principles of single and three-phase transformers.
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I. Job Costs
A. Blueprint symbols
B. Read and analyze residential blueprints
II. Takeoff Analysis
A. Costs categories
B. Estimation of cost projects
III. Sexual Harassment
A. Communication skills
B. Labor management relations
C. Regulations regarding sexual harassment
IV. Structured Wiring Systems
A. Symbols
B. Drawing skills
V. AC Circuits
A. Resistance
B. Inductance
C. Capacitance
VI. Branch Circuits
A. Symbols
B. Drawing techniques
C. Load calculations
D. Building wiring sizing
E. Outside branches and feeders
F. Over-current protection devices
VII. Conductor Voltage Drop
A. Calculate conductor capacity
B. Voltage, power, and polarity across a load
C. Principles of conductor voltage drop (line loss)
VIII. DC Theory
A. Principles of DC current
B. Compare DC and AC currents
IX. National Electrical Code
A. Overview of NEC and book
B. Key words and phrases
C. Numbering and outline systems
D. Specialized chapters
X. Electromagnetism
A. Theory
B. Principles of generation
XI. Transformers
A. Principles, single-phase
B. Principles, three-phase
C. Comparing and using single and three-phase transformers
All topics covered in both the lecture and lab portions of the course.
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Field assignments include:
1. Field work
Classroom and homework assignments include:
1. Homework assignments
2. Analysis of instructor-led demonstrations
3. Quizzes and examinations (2 - 20)
4. Reading and homework assignments to be completed between class meetings
Laboratory performance assignments include:
1. Practice to develop skills in basic electricity
2. Implement safety procedures
3. Practice use of proper equipment and material handling
4. Employ proper techniques in wiring of circuits and control devices utilizing testing and
measuring equipment
5. Lab reports
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Residential Syllabus - 2nd year. NJATC. NJAT. Item number J208R2.O or most current
AC Theory SW. NJATC. NJAT. Item number J203SW.I or most current
Codeology SW. NJATC. NJAT. Item number J207SW.J or most current
Conduit Fabrication SW. NJATC. NJAT. Item number J204SW.G or most current
Residential Motors & Transformers SW. NJATC. NJAT. Item number J291SW or most current
Residential Wiring Practices SW. NJATC. NJAT. Item number J292SW.K or most current
Residential Code-2 SW. NJATC. NJAT. Item number J293SW.K or most current
Residential Job Information-2 SW. NJATC. NJAT. Item number J255SW or most current
Residential 2nd Year SW Kit. NJATC. NJAT. R2SWK17 or most current
AC Theory IG. NJATC. NJAT. Item number J203IG.I or most current
Codeology IG. NJATC. NJAT. Item number J207IG.J or most current
Conduit Fabrication IG. NJATC. NJAT. Item number J204IG.G or most current
Residential Motors & Transformers IG. NJATC. NJAT. Item number J291IG or most current
Residential Wiring Practices IG. NJATC. NJAT. Item number J292IG.K or most current
Residential Code-2 IG. NJATC. NJAT. Item number J293IG.K or most current
Residential Job Information-2 IG. NJATC. NJAT. Item number J255IG or most current
Blueprints IG. NJATC. NJAT. Item number J244IG.I or most current
DC Theory IG. NJATC. NJAT. Item number J202IG.I or most current
Inside Job Information-1 IG. NJATC. NJAT. Item number J221IG.I or most current
Orientation IG. NJATC. NJAT. Item number J200IG.I or most current
Residential 2nd Year IG Kit. NJATC. NJAT. Item number R2IGK17 or most current
AC Theory. NJATC. NJAT. Item number S641 or most current
Applied Codeology. NJATC. NJAT. Item number S01717 or most current
Conduit Bending and Fabrication. NJAT. NJATC. Item number S495 or most current
Commercial Blueprint Set. NJATC. NJAT. Item number S136.H or most current
Electrical Wiring Residential. NJATC. NJAT. Item number S03917 or most current
Transformers & Motors. NJATC. NJAT. Item number S018 or most current
Blueprint Reading for Electricians. NJATC. NJAT. Item number S648 or most current
Building a Foundation in Mathematics. NJATC. NJAT. Item number S665 or most current
DC Theory. NJATC. NJAT. Item number S640 or most current
Electrical Systems 2017 NEC. NJATC. NJAT. Item number S970 or most current
Residential 2nd Yr SW Kit Complete. NJATC. NJAT. Item number R2SWKC17 or most current
Residential 2nd Yr IG Kit Complete. NJATC. NJAT. Item number R2IGKC17 or most current
Residential Course Presentation. NJATC. NJAT. Item number RCP2K15 or most current