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At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Demonstrate familiarity with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Constitution.
2. Demonstrate a knowledge of union bylaws, procedures, and American labor history.
3. Describe and demonstrate the Codeology Method and key components of the National Electrical Code (NEC).
4. Describe and demonstrate an understanding of effectively analyzing, evaluating, and using blueprints.
5. Demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics and applications of Direct Current (DC) and Alternating Current (AC).
6. Explain the principles and function of code wire sizing, circuits, services for various switches and receptacles.
7. Describe and demonstrate and understanding of key components of AC theory.
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I. Orientation, Level II
A. Avoiding the hazards of drug abuse
B. Becoming familiar with the IBEW constitution
C. Understanding your local union bylaws
D. Parliamentary Procedure and how it works
E. An introduction to the Construction Organizing Membership Education Training (COMET) Program
F. American labor history
G. Pride in your industry
II. Codeology, Based on the Current NEC
A. Overview, organization, and chapter 1 of the NEC
B. NEC Chapter 2- 4: Planning, building, and uses of electricity.
C. NEC Chapter 5-7: Special occupancies, equipment, and conditions of the NEC
D. NEC Chapter 8: Communications
E. NEC Chapter 9: Tables and the informative annexes
F. The Codeology Method
III. Blueprints, Level II
A. Reviewing the basic fundamentals of blueprints and how they are drawn
B. Analyzing and laying-out residential circuits
C. Understanding job costs and how to do an actual takeoff to determine the quantities of materials needed
D. Understanding, interpreting, and evaluating blueprint specifications
E. Interpreting blueprint schedules and locating components on the print
F. Becoming familiar with blueprint systems integration
G. Learning how to effectively use blueprints
IV. AC Systems, Level I
A. Reviewing the applications of DC theory
B. Understanding vectors and how to use them effectively
C. Comparing DC to AC
D. Making circuit calculations for basic systems
E. Becoming familiar with AC resistive circuits and understanding the basic characteristics of AC circuits
V. Code, Standards, and Practices 2, Level I, Based on the Current NEC
A. Understanding the principles involved in the sizing of building wire
B. Branch circuits I and II
C. Feeders and outside branch circuits
D. Services, switches, receptacles, and luminaires
VI. AC Theory, Level I
A. Understanding inductance and how it affects a circuit
B. Working with inductors and capacitors that are in series and/or parallel
C. Becoming familiar with inductive reactance
D. Understanding capacitance and how it affects a circuit
E. Understanding and working safely with capacitors
F. Becoming familiar with capacitive reactance
VII. AC Theory, Level II
A. Comprehending the parameters of series Resistance - Inductance (RL) and Resistance - Capacitance (RC) Circuits
B. Understanding and working with parallel RL and RC Circuits
C. Comprehending, analyzing, and comparing series Resistance - Inductance - Capacitance (RLC) and parallel RLC circuits
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Applied Codeology Textbook Catalog Order No: S01720 in the Electrical Training Alliance 2020 Training Essentials Catalog. National Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee for the Electrical Industry. 2020
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 70 National Electrical Code (NEC) - 2017 Handbook Catalog Order No: S950 in the Electrical Training Alliance 2020 Training Essentials Catalog. Delmar Cengage Learning. 2017
National Fire Protection Association 70 National Electrical Code - 2020 Handbook Catalog Order No: S1050 in the Electrical Training Alliance 2020 Training Essentials Catalog. Delmar Cengage Learning. 2020
AC Theory Textbook, 3rd Edition Catalog Order No: S641 in the Electrical Training Alliance 2020 Training Essentials Catalog. National Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee for the Electrical Industry. 2011 (classic)
DC Theory Textbook Catalog Order No: S640 in the Electrical Training Alliance 2020 Training Essentials Catalog. Delmar Cengage Learning. 2009 (classic)