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Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Identify the essential elements of criminal statutes discussed Part I (crimes against persons) and Part II (crimes against property) crimes within the Uniform Crime Reporting Act.
2. Review essential elements of California criminal statutes.
3. Analyze scenarios for violations of California law.
4. Apply California law, including the laws of arrest, to scenarios.
5. Identify the essential elements of criminal statutes of crimes against children.
6. Identify the essential elements of criminal statutes of sexual offenses or behavior.
7. Identify the essential elements of criminal statutes of crimes involving controlled substances.
8. Identify the essential elements of criminal statutes of crimes involving illegal weapons.
9. Identify the essential elements of criminal statutes of crimes pertaining to vehicles.
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I. Property crimes
A. Thefts, unlawful appropriations, stolen property crimes related to identifying marks and serial numbers
B. Embezzlement, forgery, and credit and access card crimes
C. Trespasses, vandalism, burglaries, and burglary tools
D. Arson and crimes related to arson
II. Crimes against persons
A. Stalking, threats, assaults, batteries, felony batteries, assaults with weapons, and
spousal abuse crimes
B. Extortion and robbery
C. False imprisonment, child abduction, kidnapping, and carjacking
D. Homicides and criminal homicides
III. General criminal statutes
A. Disturbing the peace, disorderly conduct, riots, lynchings, public nuisances, and
crimes against public morals and decency
B. Crimes by public officials
C. Crimes against public officials and officers
D. False reports and perjuries
E. Crimes involving witnesses, victims, and court orders
IV. Crimes against children
A. Child endangerment and abuse
B. Sexual offenses against or involving children
C. Child abuse reporting requirements
V. Criminal sexual offenses or behavior
A. Sexual batteries
B. Rape and spousal rape
C. Sex offender registration laws
VI. Crimes involving controlled substances
A. Definitions of controlled substances
B. Federal and state controlled substance schedules
C. Possession, transportation and sale of controlled substances
D. Crimes related to the manufacturing of controlled substances
VIII. Weapons law
A. Definition unique to federal and state laws
B. Crimes related to possessing deadly and prohibited weapons
C. Laws and crimes related to the storage and carrying loaded and concealed weapons
D. Laws and crimes related to assault weapons
IX. Laws pertaining to vehicles
A. Common definitions
B. Laws involving ownership, licensing, and registration
C. Crimes involving driving under the influence
D. Common moving violations
E. Common equipment violations
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1. California Penal Code, current edition
2. California Criminal Law Manual; Hunt, Derald; Burgess Publishing Company, current edition
3. Instructor prepared materials