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At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Explain how to find and use appropriate college search resources effectively
2. Identify where to find degree and certificate programs and the coursework necessary to complete them
3. Describe and locate college and career services and resources on the SRJC campus
4. Explain the differing types of colleges in the California System of Higher Education and the
impact of a college degree on employment opportunities
5. List necessary steps to achieve academic, employment, and personal goals
6. Develop a comprehensive transition plan for college and a career
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I. Time Management Decisions Faced by the Students
A. Extra-curricular Activities and Athletic Programs
B. Social and Networking Activities
C. Family Responsibilities
D. Work Responsibilities
E. Healthy Living Choices
II. Personal Social Development
A. Strategies to handle potential stumbling blocks
B. Attitudes and coping skills required for a productive educational experience
C. How attitude impacts performance
D. Maintaining a positive attitude
E. Communication and interpersonal skills required for personal success
III. Overview of College Services, Resources, and Locations
A. Admissions and Records
B. Assessment
C. Bookstore
D. Campus Police
E. Career Center
F. Counseling
G. Disability Resources Department
H. Financial Aid
I. Student Health and Psychological Services
J. Scholarship
K. Transfer Center
L. Work Experience
IV. Academic Expectations
A. Adjusting to college life
B. Establishing positive study environments and habits
C. Effective listening skills
D. Effective note taking skills
E. Effective time management and organizational skills
F. Positive student engagement
V. College Degrees and Certificates
A. Industry Certifications
B. Non-credit Certificates
C. Credit Certificates
D. Associate Degrees
1. Local
2. Transfer
E. Bachelor's Degrees
F. Master's Degrees
G. Doctorate Degrees
H. Prerequisites for college classes
VI. California Higher Education Systems
A. California Community College
B. California State University
C. University of California
D. Private colleges and universities
E. Career Technical Education programs and schools
VII. Transfer Choices and Decision Factors
A. General education patterns and articulation
1. Articulation of courses to four-year colleges
2. SRJC articulation website
3. Santa Rosa Junior College Associate of Arts/Science general education
4. California State University general education
5. IGETC/UC general education
6. Private universities' and colleges' general education
7. Career Technical Education programs and schools
B. Financial Aid Packages
1. Types of financial aid
2. Scholarships
3. Loans
4. Work-Study Programs
5. Evaluation financial aid packages
C. The undecided student
1. Counseling courses
2. Career Center
3. Transfer Center
VIII. Goal Setting
A. Requirements
1. Academic
2. Career
3. Extra-curricular and Athletic Activities
4. Community Involvement
5. Other
B. Self-assessment
C. Academic plan
D. Creating an Academic Portfolio
E. Creating a Personal Statement
F. Drafting the Ten-year Plan
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SRJC Student Guide (most recent version)
Career Choices and Changes. 6th ed. Bingham, Mindy and Stryker, Sandy. Academic Innovations Publishing 2018
Instructor prepared materials